Microblading, also known as eyebrow embroidery, is a relatively new treatment that fills in and shapes the eyebrows for a more aesthetically pleasing appearance. Eyebrow shaping has become increasingly popular in the past few years, with more women desiring prominent, bold eyebrow shape and color.
What is Microblading at Me by Michelle?
During a microblading treatment, the pigment is embedded in the basal membrane, which is a layer that separates the dermis layer of skin (upper dermis) and the epidermis. Pigments with microblading are not embedded as deep into the skin as traditional tattoos, or even permanent makeup treatments. This strategy provides very thin, crisp, and delicate hairlines.
The only downside is that results do not last as long as traditional methods. However, this is an excellent way to achieve fuller, bolder eyebrows without the need of daily makeup application. Touch-ups may be required, and the frequency of touch-ups will be discussed during your initial consultation with one of our skincare experts.
Our Clients’s Results
Who is a candidate for Microblading?
Almost anyone is a candidate for microblading since it is a non-invasive, facial enhancement procedure. However, ideal candidates for microblading include:
- People who desire a different size and shape of their eyebrows
- People who have insufficient or over-plucked brows.
- Individuals with hair loss or patchy bare areas that are unable to grow due to medical conditions.
- Individuals who want to shorten or eliminate their daily makeup applications on their brows.
Achieve fuller, darker, and remarkably shaped eyebrows with just one short session of microblading, or eyebrow embroidery today. Contact Me by Michelle to schedule your initial consultation.
24 hours prior to your appointment, DO NOT DRINK ALCOHOL or CAFFEINE.
72 hours prior to your appointment, DO NOT TAKE ADVIL or other blood thinners such as Ibuprofen, Aspirin, Niacin or Vitamin E unless medically necessary.
Botox should be done 2 weeks before or 2 weeks after the procedure.
Avoid booking during your menstrual cycle as it can increase your pain.
No waxing, tanning, or tinting 3 days before.
Arrive with no makeup for your appointment. A lot of wiping of pigment takes place and makeup can get ruined, so save yourself the hassle!
You are NOT a suitable candidate for Microblading if you:
Are pregnant
Have a history of Keloids or Hypertrophic scarring
Are diabetic (require doctor’s clearance)
Are undergoing chemotherapy (consult your doctor)
Are prone to viral infections and/or diseases
Have epilepsy
Have a pacemaker or major heart problems
Have had an organ transplant
Are prone to skin irritations or Psoriasis near the treated area (rashes, sunburn, acne, etc.)
Are sick (cold, flu, etc.)
Have been on accutane in the past year
Have a heart condition, uncontrolled high blood pressure, or poor general health.
Have had any treatment, medication or illness that compromises the immune system
Microblading is a 2 step process, usually 6-8 weeks apart. It is important to complete both the initial procedure and touch up.
STEP 1: The initial procedure takes approximately 2 hours. During this time, a consultation is done where we discuss your desired brow look, choose a colour tone, and draw the initial outline of the procedure area for your approval. Though our faces are NOT perfectly symmetrical (one side is usually flatter than the other), we do our very best to create as much symmetry as possible! As we like to say BROWS ARE SISTERS, NOT TWINS. Once you are satisfied with the basic shape and symmetry, the area is then traced over and semi-permanent pigment is applied with a disposable microblading hand tool. This procedure uses a manual hand tool and not a machine.
STEP 2: The second stage of the treatment is a TOUCH-UP appointment. The touch up that takes approximately 1 hour and is included in your service. Touch ups are done no earlier than 5 weeks of your initial procedure and no later than 10 weeks. If you do not schedule your touchup within 10 weeks, you will be required to pay a touch up fee outlined in our touchup schedule.
It is IMPERATIVE you complete the touch up treatment. Without it, the results will not be optimal. Colour will fade significantly within 4 weeks as the skin heals, peels, and fades. The touch up corrects any irregularities in the microblading hair strokes, color tones, and finishes the process.
**Occasionally a third touch up (4-6 weeks later) is necessary for certain clients where the pigment does not take as well to the skin.**
The pigment used in microblading is semi-permanent and can last between 1-3 years. The pigment will begin to fade within 12 months. In order to keep your brows looking fresh, a touch up is recommended every 12 to 24 months maximum. After 2 years, full price for microblading will apply.
For clients that choose a softer look and lighter color shade initially or those who did not follow the after care instructions properly may require more frequent touch ups.
Factors that will cause your microbladed brow tattoo to fade faster:
Iron deficiency
Sun exposure
Strong immune systems
Exposure to salt water
We take every precaution necessary to ensure the microblading procedure is as pain free as possible. A strong topical anesthetic cream is used prior to and during the procedure to keep you as comfortable as possible. Some clients find the procedure a little uncomfortable while others report no discomfort at all.
The complete healing process takes approximately 6 weeks.
Immediately after your microblading procedure and in the first 10 days, your brows will appear significantly darker and defined than perhaps your desired look. It may continue to get darker over the next few days as scabs begin to form, however this is not an accurate indication of the finished and healed result. 30-50% of your brow color will fade as the scabs fall off within 7-10 days. In some cases, the scabs may take longer to heal and fall off. DO NOT PICK YOUR SCABS. The pigment is within the scab and you do not want to pull any pigment out of your skin prematurely. We all heal differently and what works for one client may not be effective on another so please do not compare your results.
We choose a color by applying small amounts of different colored pigments to the skin near to your brows and selecting the best match for your skin tone, features, and personal preference. As a rule of thumb, we closely match the color of your brow hair rather than your current hair color for the most natural results.
Microblading can be done over an existing brow tattoo, however the old tattoo must be significantly faded for the hair strokes to show through and look natural. Please advise if you have an existing tattoo to submit a picture to determine if you are a candidate for this procedure
NO! Semi-Permanent makeup is done using a cosmetic tattooing process and our eyebrow pigmentation artistry guarantees soft, natural looking eyebrows. When we implant semi-permanent makeup pigment in the skin, it appears more natural looking than topically applied cosmetics.